Paul Nash | Paul atten Ash
map marker
Bristol, Europe
Poet: Paul atten Ash | Composer: North Sea Navigator | Art-Photographer: Paul atten Ash
Poetry (Paul atten Ash)
'Searchlight Seasons' | Debut pamphlet (Atomic Bohemian) | 31.10.24
'Hinterländer' | The Winged Moon 'Hinterland' | 22.01.25
'The Caged Oak Waits' | Spelt 11 | Dec 24
'The Girl at the Window' | Dreich 100 D | Dec 24
'Selenody' | Under The Radar 34 | 28.11.24
'Melancholy III' | Satellite of Love (Bristol) | 27.11.24
'Writer's Block' | Stanza Cannon Issue #11 | 17.11.24
'Fugue State on the M32' | Steel Jackdaw Edition 15 | 28.10.24
'Polaris' | Dark Mountain #26 'Dark Ocean' | 17.10.24
'Lithic Grief' | Swim Press | 31.08.24
'Shivering Out' | Shooter #18 'Nightlife' | 28.08.24
'The Storm' | After… | 04.08.24
'I golden-shovel my self' | Dust Poetry Magazine | 03.08.24
‘O Light! She Was the Universe’ | Gothic Keats Press | 16.07.24
Two poems | The Winged Moon: ANCIENT | 10.07.24
'Sympathy for the Siren' | Classical Association Poetry Comp 2024 | 01.07.24