Rose King
Helping women escape their corporate jobs to build themselves a time and financially free life
Hello, I’m Rose 🌹,
Working mother, exercise addict, health nut and mentor for incredible humans with big goals.
After 15 years in the corporate world, my children arrived. Almost overnight my priorities changed. No longer was I laser focussed on climbing the career ladder, my new vision was to live a slow, purposeful life in rural England. Being present with my boys as they grew up.
I finally realised that paying a nanny to bring up my children, living for the weekends, in a constant state of stress while trying to “do it all” was not working for me. What’s more, while my salary was sizeable, I was hit by the stark reality of interest rates and cost of living rises dictating how I lived my life, and not being able to lead with my heart and the needs of my family.
It was at this point I thought there MUST be another way. I cannot keep going like this... life is too precious to waste it, sitting behind a desk, missing my children.
And then I found....
An online solution where you can:
💰Earn abundantly, even as a complete beginner - and being able to replace a six-figure salary in 23 holistic wellness sales.
❤️🔥Build a personal brand around the things you love and attract people because of who you are
👋Wave goodbye to any kind of cringe tactics like cold DM’s and hassling friends and family
📲Leverage smart, scalable and automated systems to create a true freedom income (because without them, you basically have a second job).
🤓Learn and evolve your skill set, apply proven strategies and lean into what feels good for you and your unique style
🌏 Create positive impact for this world & the humans in it!
If you’re serious about exploring how you can work with me to either replace your current income OR multiply it - I have 2️⃣ things for you to do next….
1 - Click the link below and add yourself to The Freedom Collective Facebook group (please mention my name for access)👇🏻
2 - Click the button below to be sent my latest Masterclass - Re-designing the way you live and earn.