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Community Standards

Effective date: 5/01/2022

Trust and safety are important to Campsite.bio. We've created these guidelines to go work alongside our terms and conditions. These standards articulate what is and isn't allowed on our platform.

Please take some time to review these standards. All Campsite users are required to follow them to continue using the Campsite platform.

If you come across content on a Campsite.bio profile violates the standards below, please report it with the following information:

  • Username or URL of the Campsite profile you're reporting
  • Your complaint about the profile
  • Your name and email (to keep you updated)

Adult content

We strive to help website visitors make informed decisions. If you're including adult content on your Campsite, please ensure that:

  1. the content you're linking to is legal in your region,
  2. the content on your profile is suitable for all ages, and
  3. you enable the sensitive content label when appropriate


We do not allow users to exchange Campsite usernames for money. If you select a username, you must do so with the intent of using it.

Illegal goods and services

Campsite doesn't allow the exchange of illegal goods or services through the platform. This includes (but not limited to):

  • Alcohol (you may advertise the sale of alcohol with a liquor license, but you may not sell alcohol directly through Campsite payment links)
  • Drugs
  • Weapons
  • Body parts (including body fluids, blood etc.)
  • Offers for adoption / surrogacy
  • Counterfeits
  • Embargoed goods
  • Endangered or protected species or parts of
  • Fireworks and explosives
  • Hazardous / toxic materials
  • ID documents
  • Personal info or mailing lists
  • Regulated plants, insects, animals
  • Recalled items
  • Stolen items
  • Tobacco products, inc. e-cigarettes
  • Products offered through multi-level marketing schemes
  • Gambling
  • Human trafficking or prostitution.

Spam and fraud

We do not permit spam or scams. Don't use Campsite to spam or scam visitors, which includes linking out to external sites that collect personal information under false pretenses.


We look to protect all visitors to Campsite. We do not allow users to target individuals with the intention to intimidate, harass, threaten, or bully.

Violent content

We have a no tolerance policy for any content that is violent or disturbing.

Child harm

Campsite has a no tolerance policy for child harm. We actively report any cases of child harm to the relevant national authorities.

Copyright and trademark

We strive to protect intellectual property rights. We do not allow the use of any content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or patents. If you believe your intellectual property rights are being infringed, please reach out to us.

Privacy and impersonation

Individual privacy is especially important to us. We do not permit the sharing of any personal identifying information.